Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Catching up - October edition

Things have been so very busy around here these days! I've been working long hours on holiday orders for many deserving children, welcome gifts for upcoming babies, and birthday presents for little ones. With the kids, I've been puddle stomping, leaf jumping, and prepping the yard and our wardrobes for winter. We've had playdates and long walks, done a lot of reading, learning, and worked on some development. I'm absolutely loving life these days. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for the opportunity to stay home with my little ones this year. I'm so lucky.

Since I last updated (cringe - 6 weeks ago, now), I've completed another pile of cuties. 

Just this week, I finished Gloria - a 14" Waldorf doll. She's a custom order and will be shipped off to her family later this week.

 This is Marlena - already on her way to welcome a beautiful little baby girl. Marelena's girl was born on the weekend. Welcome, little C!

 Emmy, a custom 10" jointed Waldorf - already arrived at her new home and waiting for Christmas!

This one is waiting for the arrival of a little sister, so that big sister has a baby of her own to care for.

And so is this one, actually -- except that this one is waiting for a baby brother.

 This sheep will join some others and head off to a family for Christmas.

This sheep is for a special little girl. 

And this sheep has gone to his family, not too far from here!

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