Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The month of May (and a bit of June, too)

Looking back, this month has been pretty busy.
There was this ballerina outfit --

And a little rainbow-y doll dress

Both are shown to their best advantage by Becky - who is still hanging around, waiting for a home.

And then I decided with all the skirts going on around here lately, I should probably start offering underpants for these dolls.

Unfortunately, fabrics are quite limited for the time being - hopefully that will change soon.

And I made two Cuddle Beans, but neglected to photograph one of them before sending it off.

And then there are the big items for the month.
I really enjoyed making these up -- a mommy and her toddler daughter. These were sent off to a family with a little girl who is currently awaiting the arrival of her baby brother (any day now!!)

The receiving mommy made up a little doll-sized sling so Momma can wear Little around -- how cute is that??

And just a few days ago, I finished my first dragon.

He's made from the Yoki the fat dragon pattern by DIYFluffies. It's a finicky pattern, but the dragon is just so charming!

Sweet Pea adores him - but to be fair, she adores everything handmade by her mom. This one will be going to her gymnastics club as a raffle prize, but rest assured there will be more dragons!
Right now, I'm working on a baby dragon design since Sweet Pea wants this guy to be a baby. She's been carrying him around swaddled and singing him lullabies.

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